Gyertyaégetős szép őszi estét, virágszálaim! Bár ahol most
tartunk, az előbb nevezhető barátságos nyárutónak, mint ősznek, tudhatjátok,
hogy az ember szeptember kezdetével önkéntelenül is az új évszakban
gondolkodik, jönnek a tematikus posztok ezerrel, őszi könyv, őszi smink, őszi
program… nos, bár én szigorúan véve nem tartom időjáráshoz kötöttnek a mai
bejegyzésemet, az alább összeszedett lejátszási listányi zeneszám bennem mégis
leginkább eső elől a félhomályos szobába behúzódós hangulatot kelt. Hallgassátok,
mívelődjetek, enjoy!
„You can have
Manhattan / I know it's what you want / The bustle and the buildings / The
weather in the fall / And I'll bow out of place / To save you some space / For
somebody new” | Sara Bareilles - Manhattan
„My calendar is stuck
/ I'd make new year's resolutions / but I didn’t really plan on waking up”
| Hi I’m Case – Smoke Damage
„I just want a reason
to hope / A reason to know / That I should still be here / Maybe just a glimpse
of the light / A patch of blue sky / Something to believe in / I just want a
reason to hope / A reason to hope / A reason that I should not let go” | Ron Pope – Reason To Hope
„When I feel blue in
the night / And I need you to hold me tight / Whenever I want you, all I have
to do is / Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam” |
Everly Brothers – All I Have To Do Is Dream
„I, I've been trying
to fix my pride / But that shit's broken, that shit's broken / Lie, lie, l-lie,
I try to hide / But now you know it / That I'm at an all time low” | Jon Bellion – All Time Low
„I'm well aware of
certain things that will destroy a man like me / But with that said give me one
more, higher / Another one to take the sting away / I am happy on my own, so
here I'll stay / Save your lovin' arms for a rainy day / And I'll find comfort
in my pain eraser” | Ed Sheeran –
„And I'll fall on my
knees / Tell me how's the way to be? / And tell me how's the way to go? / And
tell me why I feel so low / Danger will follow me now / Everywhere I go /
Angels will call on me / And take me to my home” | Sleeping At Last – Everywhere I Go
„I'm gonna ask you to
stop thought I liked you a lot / But I'm really upset (really upset) / Get
outta my head, get off of my bed / Yeah, that's what I said” | Avril Lavigne – Don’t Tell Me
„Traveled to each
oceans end / Saw all 7 wonders, / Trying to make some sense / Memorized the
mantra Confucius said / But it only let me down / Tried absolution of the mind
and soul / It only led me where I should not go / Oh and the answer well, / How
could I miss / Something as simple as this?” | James Bugg – Simple As This
„I’m the one I should
love in this world / Bitnaneun nareul sojunghan nae yeonghoneul / Ijeya
kkaedara so I love me / Jom bujokhaedo neomu areumdaun geol / I’m the one I
should love” | BTS – Epiphany avagy megkerestem
azt a kis részt, ahonnan valamit értek is
„Everybody's got a
dark side / Do you love me? / Can you love mine? / Nobody's a picture perfect /
But we're worth it / You know that we're worth it / Will you love me? / Even
with my dark side?” | Kelly Clarkson
– Dark Side
„I hate feelin' like
this / I'm so tired of tryin' to fight this / I'm asleep and all I dream of is
waking to you” | Skillet – Comatose
„Is there more than
what meets the eye? / Is something higher keeping me alive? / Maybe hope buried
deep within / Here is what's needed / To begin again” | Yutaka Yamada – On My Own
„Looking at you makes
it harder / But I know that you'll find another / That doesn't always make you
wanna cry / It started with a perfect kiss then we could feel the poison set in
/ Perfect couldn't keep this love alive” | Sleeping At Last – Already Gone
„I could follow you to
the beginning / And just to relive the start / And maybe then we'll remember to
slow down / At all of our favorite parts” | Paramore – All I Wanted
„I'll be good, I'll be
good / And I'll love the world, like I should / Yeah, I'll be good, I'll be
good / For all of the time / That I never could / My past has tasted bitter / For
years now / So I wield an iron fist / Grace is just weakness / Or so I've been
told” | Jaymes Young – I’ll Be Good
Ó, ilyen posztot én is akarok csinálni! Megihlettél Annyi jó őszi zene van :D
VálaszTörlésKöszi, hogy megosztottad velünk a te kedvenceidet <3
Naaa hajrá akkor, mert én is kíváncsi vagyok :D Régen volt már zenés posztod, csak mondom... ;)
TörlésLove you <3
Mennyien feldolgozták az Everywhere I Go című dalt :) Én Lissie-től hallottam először, az nagyon szép :) Jó ez a kis összeállítás, én is szeretem az őszt, sőt ez a kedvenc évszakom :)